In 2011, a scientific study released by Mattitiyahu Zimbler and Robert Feldman (link) suggested that people are more likely to stretch the truth in indirect communication methods like text messaging and email, than in actual face-to-face communications.

The most likely interpretation of these findings as to why we are more honest in person are:

  1. It is just basic human nature. When we interact with people in person, it’s real life and we interact with them using all our senses. This makes us much more inclined, to be honest and open in our dealings with them.
  2. In real life interactions, we can use all our instinctive little bullshit detectors (body language, facial expressions etc.) and the people we deal with know and understand that thus they are more likely to stick closer to the truth.
  3. If you get caught out lying on paper, text or email there is always plausible deniability. Maybe someone hacked your email or found your phone lying around unattended.

So if you can see every possible client in person to market your company that would be the first prize. It’s totally impossible of course, so we have to revert to the second best option – Video.

Video marketing is a close second to in-person interactions since you can still use visual and audio cues to form an opinion.

Your target market is also more likely to accept that you will not stand on video and spew a stream of lies since your plausible deniability severely diminishes when it is so clearly your face on the video making all those promises.

The reality is that video is perceived to be much more real and truthful than any written, printed or other electronic media.

Another reason to start implementing video in your marketing arsenal is because that it is what consumers prefer these days. YouTube is currently the second biggest search engine in the world, falling short only of Google itself. It beats Yahoo, Bing and all the rest by miles.

Every day, YouTube videos get billions of views, hundreds of millions of hours of video are watched. Well over half of these videos are watched on mobile devices.

Video consumption is growing by 50% year on year. My kids don’t search for anything on Google; they use YouTube. Why? Because they use their mobiles, and it’s just so much easier to watch a video and get an answer than to read text on a small screen. Actually, it’s also easier to watch a video than to read text on a big screen.

Why? Because they use their mobiles, and it’s just so much easier to watch a video and get an answer than to read text on a small screen. Actually, it’s also easier to watch a video than to read text on a big screen.

Actually, it’s also easier to watch a video than to read text on a big screen.

Let’s face it people are visually inclined and they remember visually stimulating interactions so much better. Everything in modern life is geared to be quicker, faster and easier, and video is at the

Everything in modern life is geared to be quicker, faster and easier, and video is at the centre of that.

No more reading a manual to do something, no more trying to figure out what the writer attempted to say. Just follow a step by step video, just look and copy – even a two-year-old can do it.

For marketers, the great thing about video and YouTube, in particular, is that it is currently much less of a battle to rank in the searches than on Google itself where everyone is else focusing their efforts. And with a little bit of help and some creativity you can create quite a reputation and a following for yourself and your company in a short period of time.

And with a little bit of help and some creativity you can create quite a reputation and a following for yourself and your company in a short period of time.

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