The Top 8 Ways to Use Video in Your Marketing and PR

  1. Advertisements: You don’t need to buy expensive TV time to show your ads anymore. YouTube is free. With a little ingenuity, you can promote your video yourself through various social media channels as well as get it ranked on YouTube searches.
  2. Product videos: Video allows us to show our products in so much more detail than pictures and text ever did. Your prospective clients can see and experience the benefits that your product will give them with so much more clarity. Proper product videos will show potential customers everything there is to see about your products, and this all while you talk them through your sales pitch.
  3. Product how-to videos and tutorials: Every day millions of hours are spent on the phone or in person helping customers fix, install, set-up and giving general support for products. With a proper how-to video section, you will likely be able to shrink your support department.
  4. General how-to videos: You can earn goodwill by helping customers with problems that might be unrelated to your products. Imagine a seed company posting videos to show their clients how to sell the veggies they grew for a decent profit. That adds value to their customer, and if he sells his goods at a bigger profit he is likely to buy more seeds next year – a win-win situation.
  5. Testimonials: A video testimonial is just so much more believable than a random pic with some text on a website.
  6. Product Reviews: get 3rd party reviewers to do video product reviews. Providing your product is good, there is no better marketing than a 3rd party review.
  7. Tell your story: Put a personal spin on your videos and get your customers involved in the wellbeing of your company.
  8. Build your subscriptions: Producing consistently good content will ensure that viewers start subscribing to your channel and thus you gain massive brand equity and regular exposure to your marketing.
Just remember, you don’t need to do elaborate big-budget productions to impress with video.
The big idea with YouTube is that it needs to look and feel “real” and we all know that reality has errors and imperfections.
Therefore it is better to do “real” videos with mistakes and defects as this helps to establish a sense of authenticity in the viewers’ minds.

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